
To access the values stored in a data provider when defining phases/steps/metrics, select the data provider from the Source drop-down list and enter a JavaScript expression like $.get('uid'). $ always represents the selected data provider.

Example: $.get('curY1Uid') gets the record stored in the variable curY1Uid in $process.

Use JavaScript to define conditions based on these values, e.g. $.get('curY2Count')==0?0:1

For more syntax examples, >> Examples.

For more information, see the section “Accessing valies in data providers” in the article “Process Data Providers” at

Exception: For output arguments of an action, $ always refers to data provider $step (which contains the output of the action). The data provider selected in the drop-down list acts as the target data provider, that will receive the value of the expression.

In addition to the variable $ accessing the selected data provider there are two predefined variables that can be used in expressions:

  • process: Refers to the process storage
  • step: Refers to the current step (only available if the expression is executed in the context of a process step e.g. for dispatching)

Use process and step to access the values of all data providers when defining output arguments and Process Ask pages, >> Process Ask Configuration.


Internal Data Provider

  • process.get('curOpportunityUid')
  • step.get('uid')


  • step.get('curCompanyInfo.$').get('Name')

    Gets the company name of a record specified in curCompanyInfo.


  • step.get('curActivityCount.$').getNumberOfRows()

    Gets the number of result rows from a query defined in curActivityCount.

    Note: For external data providers, you need to specify .$ at the end of the string to "simulate" the $ that represents the source.