Survey Results

This sections shows the results of each survey, including the responses. This can be viewed at Reports > Surveys > Survey Results

The table below explains the information provided by the Survey Results page:

Field Name Description
Survey Name

This displays the Internal survey name, which is entered when the survey form itself is created. Clicking the name itself takes you to the Utilities > Web Forms > Surveys > Edit Survey page, where the survey form can be edited.


This displays the Survey name to display, which is entered when the survey form itself is created.


This displays the number of responses to the survey. Click the number of responses to see Reports > Surveys > Responses Table page, and Show Details to view the All Answers in Survey page, including the date the responses were submitted, and the IP address they were submitted from.


This displays the dates and times during which survey responses were received. Clicking the dates takes you to the Number of survey answers over time chart, where the total number of survey answers for one survey, over time, are displayed.

Used in mailings

This displays the name of the mailing(s) in which this survey was used. Clicking on the mailing name takes you to the Reports > Mailings > Mailing Statistics page, where details about the mailing can be viewed, and various mailing charts easily accessed.

Filter Responses

This determine which responses is displayed below. If you select an option from the drop-down menu, click the Refresh button to view the new filtered responses. The filter response options are Show All, to view all responses; per mailing, to view responses for a particular mailing; for list members; and for non-members who may have taken the survey.

The list member options depends on your access level. Server administrators are able to filter responses for all lists, site administrators for the site list(s) that they administer, and list administrators only for the individual list(s) administered by them.

Survey Questions and Answers

This displays the survey questions and response totals. This displays the number of responses to the survey (not the number of questions answered). For example, if there were 4 users who took the survey, and out of these 4, only 3 answered this particular question, it displays:

3 responses, 1 skipped, 75% responding.

Click the Answer detail link to go to the Reports > Surveys > Answers to a Single Question page, to see answer details for each question, including the date the answer was submitted, the answer itself, and the TCP/IP number from where it was submitted.

Click Chart to see the "Survey answers to a question chart, which displays the total number of survey responses for each possible answer to this survey question.

Refer to the following topic for more information: