
This displays all the individual survey responses for each survey.

The table below explains the information provided by the Response page:

Field Name Description
Survey Name

This displays the Internal survey name, which is entered when the survey form itself is created. Clicking the name itself takes you to the Utilities > Web Forms > Surveys > Edit Survey page, where the survey form can be edited.


This displays the Survey name to display, which is entered when the survey form itself is created.


This displays the date and time of the response.

TCP/IP Address

This displays the TCP/IP address from which the response was generated.


This displays the email address of the member who provided this survey response. Clicking the member name takes you to the Members > History page, where the member's current information and history can be accessed.


This displays the name of the mailing(s) in which this survey was used. Clicking on the mailing name takes you to the Reports > Mailings > Mailing Statistics page, where details about the mailing can be viewed, and various mailing charts easily accessed.

Survey Answers

This displays the survey questions and this member's individual response to these questions. Also displayed is the question orientation, vertical, horizontal, or menu. This is determined when the survey form is created. For more information on this, see Utilities > Web Forms > Surveys.

Refer to the following topic for more information: