Adding and Editing Records

Depending on your access rights and configuration, you can edit or add records.

Adding Records in a List

If you are allowed to add records, the icon is displayed in the list's header.

To add a record:

  1. Switch to the desired info area, e.g. the Persons result list.
  2. Tap on (Add Person).
    Note: Your administrator is responsible for defining which options are available.
  3. Enter the data.
  4. Save the record.

Adding Related Records in the Details View

If you switch to a record's details view, you can only add related (child) records to the current (parent) record. If you are viewing a record with several tabs containing related data, e. g. companies with person and call data in separate tabs, the functions available in the header always apply to the record displayed in the header - even if you have a list of child data on the display.


You are viewing a company's data and then switch to the Contact Persons tab. The list of the contact persons for the company is displayed:

The available options in the Actions menu still apply to the company record. If you want to add data to a person, you must first switch to the person record.

Editing Records

If you are allowed to edit records, the icon is displayed in the header.

To edit a record:

  1. Switch to the desired record.
  2. Tap on .
  3. Edit the data.
  4. Save the record.
Note: When editing a record, you can switch from one field to the next by hitting the Enter key. However, catalog fields are ignored.

Deleting Records

The standard version of CRM.pad does not include this option. Your administrator can define that you can also delete records.