
CRM.launcher is used to control Aurea CRM web offline and the IIS on the client.

update.Launcher.exe is located in the root directory of the installation (as specified by InstallDir).

CRM.launcher allows users to:

All steps executed by CRM.launcher are logged in the launcher.log file. For further details, see Log Files.

Starting CRM.launcher starts the client's local IIS. (Restarting CRM.launcher performs an iisreset.)

Note: When starting CRM.launcher for the first time a Windows security popup (UAC Firewall) may be displayed (depending on the security settings on the client).

At startup, CRM.launcher checks the server connection and performs a version check. If CRM.launcher itself and/or the Aurea CRM web offline version is not up-to-date, it prompts the user to upgrade. For further details, see Checking for Updates.

You can configure CRM.Web offline to authenticate client connections using the NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication protocol. To configure NTLM authentication, see Configuring NTLM Authentication for Offline clients.

Details on the current versions are saved in and read from the launcher_telemetry.xml file located in % LocalAppData %\suite\CRM.launcher (< CurrentVersion >, < ServerVersion > and < LauncherVersion > tags).

If the client's version is up-to-date, the user is prompted to choose between starting the online or offline version of Aurea CRM web:

For more information on CRM.launcher, see