Configuring External User Authentication

Learn to configure External User Authentication to reuse CRM.Launcher Authentication Cookies.

CRM web offline frequently synchronizes it's database with CRM server. To ensure that the users connecting to CRM.Web from outside the intranet are properly authenticated and their data is updated and synchronized with web offline, you can configure CRM web offline to use the CRM.Launcher authentication cookies for the database synchronization. CRM web offline can use those same cookies to connect to the server without having to ask the user for credentials again. In order to accomplish this, the "GetCookiesFromLauncher" property has to be set on the Offline.xml configuration file.

See the sample below:
Note: CRM.Launcher should also be configured to save the authentication cookies for them to be retrieved by CRM Web offline. For more information, see Launcher Support for External Login via Firewalls in the CRM.Web Administrator Guide.