Effectiveness of Rights and Configuration Changes

For changes made using the Aurea CRM win Rights or Maintenance modules to take effect, it depends on the type of change whether it is applied immediately, after the refresh cycle (i.e. after the time when rights, catalog values etc. cached for a certain time period are read again from the Aurea CRM database), after reloading Aurea CRM.Web (F5) or after recycling the application pool.

The refresh cycle is determined by the Cat. refresh frq. and Format refresh frq. settings in the Station Configuration (T0) info area (default: 30 minutes), >> Station on page 13.

The following list gives an overview when which changes are effective:

Group Action Change effective for currently logged-in user Change effective for newly logged-in user
Maintenance Data model changes application pool recycling application pool recycling
Rights Station right NEW refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Rights Changes to station right refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Rights Remove station right refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Rights Group right NEW refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Rights Changes to group right refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Rights User right NEW refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Rights Changes to user right refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Rights Remove user right refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Rights Changes to default value triggers refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Rights Conditional field rights refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired *
Roles Assign to/remove for a user refresh cycle expired + logout/login immediately
Roles Add, update, delete a role every 60 sec. immediately
Catalogs Changes to catalog values refresh cycle expired + logout/login or F5 refresh cycle expired
Catalogs Creation of new catalog values refresh cycle expired + logout/login or F5 immediately
Catalogs Changes to fixed catalog values application pool recycling application pool recycling
Catalogs Creation of new fixed catalog values application pool recycling application pool recycling
Rep New rep refresh cycle expired + logout/login or F5 refresh cycle expired
Password Policy Minimum password length application pool recycling application pool recycling
Password Policy Password must contain numbers, letters application pool recycling application pool recycling
System Lock Set system lock refresh cycle expired + logout/login or F5 immediately
System Lock Remove system lock refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired
Tenants Assign a company to a new tenant immediately immediately
Tenants Assign a user to a new tenant application pool recycling application pool recycling
Logging Activate web trace refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired
Logging Deactivate web trace refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired

Change log level in settings.xml

application pool recycling application pool recycling
Tracking Activate session tracking refresh cycle expired + logout/login or F5 refresh cycle expired
Tracking Deactivate session tracking refresh cycle expired + logout/login or F5 refresh cycle expired
Protocol Activate write protocol application pool recycling application pool recycling
Protocol Deactivate write protocol application pool recycling application pool recycling
Protocol Change write protocol application pool recycling application pool recycling
Configuration (MC) Change configuration entries refresh cycle expired refresh cycle expired
Note: For the rows marked with * the following applies:
  • If e.g. "Deny Update" is set and the user logs on after the refresh cycle, the fields are inactive in Expand view. If the user was already logged on, he can still modify these fields, but when he tries to save the record a corresponding message is displayed.
  • If a rights definition is removed which resulted in fields being displayed as inactive, the user must log off and log on again after the refresh cycle (otherwise the fields remain inactive).