Virtual Info Areas & Core Customizing

This topic concerns the development of product templates and deriving multiple solutions from a single Base template.

Virtual Info Areas & Core Customizing is solely directed at internal update users and partners.

By default virtual info areas inherit the properties concerning Base info areas and fields from their physical info area. This may lead to problems e.g. if multiple verticals use FI to create a virtual info area called "VFI1". All these virtual info areas would be defined as "Base", because their physical reference (FI) is Base. Therefore the Base configuration would contain multiple VFI1 info areas.

To prevent that scenario, set the coreMode attribute to "vertical" (or "false") in the settings.xml. This defines the virtual info area and its fields as vertical-specific independent of the Base info area.

      <InfoArea infoAreaId='VHOS' physicalInfoAreaId='FI' fieldId='28' fieldType='K' value='Spital' name='Hospital/Clinic' coreMode='base'/>
      <InfoArea infoAreaId='VDOC' physicalInfoAreaId='FI' fieldId='28' fieldType='K' value='Arzt' name='Doctor' coreMode='vertical'/>
      <InfoArea infoAreaId='VPHA' physicalInfoAreaId='FI' fieldId='28' fieldType='K' value='Apotheke' name='Pharmacy' coreMode='vertical'/>
Note: If a virtual info area has been defined as "Base", you cannot revert it to "vertical" at any later time.