XML Output

This topic explanins XML output.

For detailed information on the XML output, see Reports in the Aurea CRM win User Manual.

The tag <LocaleVersion/> at the beginning of the XML output contains the current regional settings (like date format, decimal separator, time zone etc.) to make processing and formatting of values easier.

The values of date, time, Boolean, short, long and float fields are output in invariant format (in the attribute value) as well as in display format.

If EmitNativeFormat is specified, date fields do not contain a time portion, time fields do not contain a date portion, and Boolean fields are output as "t" and "f" instead of "true" and "false" .

Empty fields are output as <field…/>.

Catalog fields contain the numerical value (in the catval attribute) as well as the text value e.g. <field tableshort="FI" fieldno="5" fid="5" catval="20">Austria</field>