Configuring target group creation and scheduling

When the target group for a marketing activity is transferred to Lyris, the demographics created for certain catalog values like country, date format, and greetings are created according to the demographics language specified in the Lyris.DemographicOptionsLanguage parameter. Valid values are: ger, eng, fre, spa, por, nld, dan, ita, cze, hun, slk, pol, gre, ukr, sln, rus, swe, fin, nor, tur, cro, ser, ron, jpn, chn, kor, bul, tha, and alb. For example, if you set the value to "ger" the demographic created for the CRM field Country in Lyris will have Deutschland.

When CRM requests Lyris to create the required demographics for the CRM fields in Lyris, it has to provide the demographics ID to the Lyris API, this value should be provided in the parameter Lyris.ActivityExecutionDemographicId.

To ensure that the transfer of target groups to the Lyris server happens successfully, CRM schedules the transfer of a certain number of items in the target group at a time. The value of the chunk to be transferred at a time can be specified in Lyris.TargetGroupTransferMaxChunkSize.