Field Mappings

To display and edit the list of mapped fields:

  1. Click in the Fields column of the desired mapping.

    (In this example for the FS vertical, a mapping has been defined between a new info area named Product and the Product Overview info area (1:n link, index: Sno, lno -> Link Type, Prod.St.No., Prod.Ser.No.".)

    The table displays the IDs and the mapped fields in the source and target info areas.

  2. Click in an empty line to define a new field mapping.

    A dialog box is displayed listing the fields in the target info area.

  3. Select a field and click OK.

    A dialog box is displayed listing the fields in the source info area.

  4. Select a field and click OK.
    Note: Ensure that you map fields of the same type, see Aurea CRM Field Types. If the value is invalid for the field in the target info area, the field is left empty or the contents truncated. For example, if you transfer a field of the type "decimal (8 Byte)" to a field of the type "int (4 Byte)", the decimal places are lost.

    Mapping catalog fields is only possible for fields using the same catalog.

  5. Click in the Function cell to select the function to be applied to the target info area.
    Note: Functions are only available if the info areas are linked via an n:1 relationship and the Upd option is enabled for the mapping.

    The following functions are available:

    • Number of records: Writes the number of child records to the parent record.
    • Sum: Writes the sum total of the corresponding values in the child records to the parent records.
    • Minimum: Writes the lowest value in the corresponding fields in all child records to the parent record.
    • Maximum: Writes the highest value in the corresponding fields in all child records to the parent record.

    If the link between the records is changed (i.e. the source record is linked to a different record in the target info area), values in the old and new records are recalculated.

  6. Click on (OK).

You can use field mappings to transfer data from linked records, e.g. to transfer an item name from the Item Master. In this case, the info area to which data is to be transferred must be defined as the source info area. An n:1 link must exist between the source and target info areas, and the Upd option must not be enabled under Mapping.

Alternatively, you can add a reference field to the info area you wish to transfer the data to, see Adding New Fields.