
Term Description
Autoname Template Identifies the schema to be applied when the document is auto named. The lack of a template indicates that the document will not be auto named and the Document Name will be required on the Smart Document UI.
Artifact Name/Document Type Identifies the tertiary level of classification for a document. The Artifact Name is a subset of the Domain Name.
Auto Fill If present, identifies the column as one that will be automatically populated when the associated Content Type is assigned to a document. Additionally, it identifies the source of the data value.
Column Name The internal column identifier that is used by the system.
Content Type List Identifies the content types and column relationships along with the column properties and associated lookup parameters if appropriate.
Display Name The name that will be displayed to identify the column.
Display Order Identifies the order in which the columns associated with a Content Type will be displayed on the Smart Document UI.
Domain Name Identifies the highest level of classification for a document.
Document Inventory List Uses the Domain, Group and Artifact to determine which template and parent content type to assign, where the document is to reside, whether to apply an autoname schema and which eCTD module and section the document belongs to.
Dynamic Authoring Template Provides the ability to dynamically select a template to be assigned to the document. The template is assigned based upon a column value that is specified in the template schema.
electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) An interface for the pharmaceutical industry to agency transfer of regulatory information.
Folder Path Identifies where the document will be stored upon submission
Group Name Identifies the secondary level of classification for a document. The Group Name is a subset of the Domain Name.
Label Customization Smart Document feature that allows the administrator to modify the display labels to be presented in the Document Group section on the Smart Document UI.
NextDocs Filtered Lookup Identifies a column as a multiple layer lookup column such that when the highest level value is selected, the secondary level will be filtered based upon the first level value, etc. If only one value is available based upon previous selections, that value will be auto selected.
NextDocs Template Library Library that houses all templates referenced in the Document Inventory List
Parent Content Type Identifies the Content Type from which the document will inherit its characteristics, such as required and optional columns.
Show Summary Provides a link to a popup window that will display a summary of the document properties based upon the selected categories on the Smart Document UI.
Smart Document Content Type Provides a link between the Smart Document User Interface and the Smart Document features
Workflow Name If present, identifies a workflow to be initiated upon document submission. This workflow cannot contain start data.