Auto Fill

The Auto Fill feature automatically populates the metadata for a document when the created document is submitted.

To configure the system to auto-fill a column for a document, the administrator should enter Yes in the Auto Fill Flag column in the Content Type List item entry for a corresponding column. When a document is submitted for a Domain Name, Group Name and Artifact Name combination that contains a parent content type matching the content type entry in the Content Type List with an Auto Fill Flag set to Yes, the column entry is auto-filled.

The administrator should provide details on where the system should look for a value and how to determine which value to select. Refer the following example for an entry by the administrator.

The above example entry shows that for the corresponding content type, the system should perform a lookup on the ClinicalTrialSites list for a list item whose Auto Fill Source Key matches with TrialSiteName given by the user on the Smart Document User Interface. When the system locates this list item, it retrieves the TrialSiteID and auto-fill the TrialSiteID for the document being submitted.