Copying a Smart Document

The Copy a Smart Document feature allows the user to use an existing document and its properties as a base for creating a new document. Any user with Read access can copy a Smart Document.

Tip: The Copy will not appear as an option on a PDF file that is converted from a Word document. The audit log entries from the original document will not be copied to the new document.

To copy a Smart Document:

  1. Navigate to the document to be used as a base
  2. From NextDocs on the document’s context menu, select Copy Smart Document. The system presents the Smart Document UI. The Document Source is set to Create document from copy/move.

The document group contains the Domain/Group/Artifact values selected for the document being copied. The additional document information contains the metadata values selected for the document being copied. Each of these values is modifiable for the document being created. The title of the resulting document is proceeded with the text Copy OF.

Only the columns that appear in the content type list is copied to the resulting document. The lifecycle status of the resulting document is in Draft stage. The system records an audit log entry for the copy action with an event source of SmartDocument and an event type of Copy.