The Advanced tab

The Advanced tab is used to apply further settings for the image that is going to be inserted in the HTML Editor.

Find the available options in the table below:

Field Name Description

You can apply styles to all elements with a given ID.

Language Direction

This indicates the direction of your chosen language: choose Left to Right (LTR) or Right to Left (RTL).

Language code

This specifies the language of element content and attribute values.

Long Description URL

If the image is too complex to describe with simple text, you can enter a URL that links to a page with a longer description. You must create a page with the description.

Stylesheet Classes

You can apply styles or style classes to an image. However, there is no way to attach an external style sheet to your message; you must enter the style rules in the Source Code. Here's an example:

  1. Click the Source button in the toolbar to enter the Source Code.
  2. After the </title> tag and before the </head> tag, add the following to create a style class:

<style type="text/css">
.make_border {
border-top-style: double;
border-right-style: double;
border-bottom-style: double;
border-left-style: double;
border-top-color: #316D9D;
border-right-color: #316D9D;
border-bottom-color: #316D9D;
border-left-color: #316D9D;
  1. Click the Source button to return to the WYSIWYG view.
  2. Click the Insert Image button and then add an image. For this example, you can type the following in the URL box of the Image Properties dialog:

  1.  Right-click the image, choose Image Properties, and then click the Advanced tag.
  2. In the Stylesheet Classes box, type make_border.
  3. Click OK.


The border may not appear immediately if you do not click the Source button twice.

Advisory Title

This attribute can be useful in several ways: improving accessibility for the visually impaired, search engine optimization, or creating tooltips.


You can apply one or more style rules to the image. To do so, enter a rule without curly brackets or a selector. To separate two or more rules, type a semicolon between each rule. For example:



Make sure the path for your images is the absolute path (the complete URL), not the relative path. For example:

  • Wrong: /img/product.jpg
  • Right: