Essentials Add Metric

The Add Metric page under the Charts Essential tab allows you to select what metric you want to include in your chart. You must first select the metric group in the drop-down box before selecting a particular metric.

The metric groups are:

  • Clickstream: Recipients who visited particular pages on your website.
  • Clickthrough: Mailing recipients who clicked on links in your mailings.
  • Forwards: Mailing recipients who forwarded your mailings.
  • Interest: Interest levels of recipients who visited particular pages on your website.
  • Mailings: Delivery success, failure and related statistics.
  • Members: Membership data and the kinds of members are on your list(s).
  • Misc: SQL query charts. Only server admins can add metric here, anyone can run it.
  • Opens: Recipients who opened a particular mailing.
  • Purchases: Recipients who purchased after receiving a mailing.
  • Server Performance: Information about how Aurea List Manager is running.

Once you have selected a metric, you are taken to a second page which require additional information about charting the particular kind of metric you have selected.

The table below explains the fields available on the Add Metric page:

Field Name Description


This is used to select whether to show the data line, or the trend line for this metric.

End Date

The ending date for this chart, in YYYY/MM/DD format. Leave blank for today's date.


The list to track this metric for.

Number of Days

The number of days to add to the chart. The default is forever, or all the data available.


The events that resulted from the mailing selected here. If you want to compare events from multiple mailings, you must add each as an additional metric to your chart.

Maximum Interest Stage

The maximum Interest Stage to display. For example, you may want to only display results with an Interest Stage under 90.

Maximum Value for Demographic Field

(Purchases metric only) This display members with this maximum value for the demographic field you select. For example, you may want to only display results for those whose Children field is less than 5.

Member Demographic

(Member metric only) Chart members with information for the demographic field you select here. Only demographic fields in the Aurea List Manager members_ table is available for charting.

Minimum Count

The minimum amount of data to be displayed in your chart. For example, you may want to only display clickthroughs if they are over a certain number.

Minimum Interest Stage

The minimum Interest Stage to display. For example, you may want to only display results with an Interest Stage over 50.

Minimum Value for Demographic Field

(Purchases metric only) Chart members with the minimum value for the demographic field you select. For example, you may want to only display results for those whose Children field is greater than 1.

Minimum # of Bounces

(Member metric only) The minimum number of permanent failures to display for this chart.

Performance Metric Type

(Server Performance metric only) The type of server performance data to display for this chart.

SQL Query

(Misc metric only), and only available to server admins. Enter a valid SQL query, for example for the LABEL/COUNT metric it can be:

SELECT Domain_, count(*) as Count_ FROM members_ WHERE List_='listmanager-discuss' GROUP BY Domain_ ORDER BY Count_ DESC

which displays the number of members per domain


It is recommended that before you paste your SQL statement into this box, that the statement be tested in the Run your own SQL Query page, to see if there is an error in the statement. If a faulty statement was entered, this shows you the error, which may be helpful in revising the statement. If a faulty statement is entered in the chart SQL query, the chart displays Sorry, there is no data to chart

Web Page Name

The name of the web page for this Action Tag.