Features of ban addresses

Ban addresses have some features which are explained below.

The ban address can be reached in Aurea List Manager by going to Members > Ban Addresses

Subscription requests from a banned address are rejected, and administrators are not able to add or import banned addresses.

Bans can be created for domains, user names, or complete email addresses. There is no wild-carding (For example example.*). If a domain is banned, subdomains are banned as well (For example, example.com bans host.example.com).

You may enter bans one by one, or import a list of bans. Bans can be created for individual lists, sites, or the entire server.

Server administrators have the option of applying bans. When Apply Bans is clicked, all addresses marked as bans appear as unsubscribed after the start of the next ban reload cycle (this task is set to disabled by default).

Applying bans can also be done automatically as a server scheduled task. For more information, see Scheduled Tasks