Summary of the bannedmembers_ fields in ListManager

The list of banned members for this server.

Bans can be at a server, site, or list level, and may ban members in a variety of ways - with a complete email address, by banning all members at a given domain, or accepting only named users.

Primary key: UniqueID_

Field Name


Version Added


Auto-numbering field to uniquely identify this row. (int, NOT NULL)


The time and date this entry was first created. (date, NULL)


The domain portion of the email address. (varchar (250), NULL )


The list that this ban is associated with. NULL for a site or server ban. (int, NULL)


The site that this ban is associated with. NULL for a list or server ban. (int, NULL)


Logic for processing the ban information. A = always accept this user, C = conditionally accept this user, R = reject this user. (char(1) NOT NULL)


The user name for this ban, if any, in lower case. (varchar (100) NULL)