Summary of the "wordmessage_" fields in ListManager

The wordmessage_ table creates a relationship between words in a message and the Message ID column.

This table is used for full text searching. When a message is received for a list that is set to keep message archives multiple entries are made into this table to keep the relationship of which words occur in which messages.

When a message is deleted, this table is automatically cleaned of entries for that message.

Primary key: none

Field Name


Version Added


Was the word found in the (H)eader, the (B)ody or in both (A)? (char(1), NOT NULL)


What list did this message belong to? Reference into lists_ table. (int, NOT NULL)


What message ID was this message assigned to? References outmail_, but outmail_ records may be purged. (int, NOT NULL)


Reference to the word in the uniquewords_ table. (int, NOT NULL)