Whitelist Complaint Handling

In an effort to fight spam while delivering opt-in messages, many email providers have implemented whitelists, or lists of senders who have agreed to their whitelist guidelines to ensure they are not automatically filtered as spam. Typically, the organization wanting to be whitelisted must sign an agreement to remove subscribers who identify the sender's mail as spam and to set up a feedback loop.

The email provider then emails information about the complaint to the sender, so the recipient may be removed.

Aurea List Manager can automate the handling of these messages so that complaint notifications sent by the email provider to the specified address:

  • Automatically delete any active mailings for the member
  • Unsubscribe the member
  • Ban that member from the list, so the member may not be re-added
  • Log the complaint, viewable in Reports: Members: Member Complaints and recorded in the lyrMemberComplaintLog table.

To create the feedback loop email address

The server administrator must create an autoresponder that processes the message as a complaint, and then inform the email provider that all complaints must be sent to that address.

To create this autoresponder, do the following:

  1. In the left Navigation bar, click Utilities > Automated Messages > Autoresponders.
  2. Click Create New Autoresponder.
  3. For Email Address Prefix, enter the email address prefix the complaints should be sent to. For example, if you enter aol-complaints, you should inform AOL that complaints should be sent to aol-complaints@yourserver.example.com.
  4. For Document Title, select (none).
  5. Select the Advanced tab.
  6. For Applies To, select entire server.
  7. For Special Mail Handling, select Complaints.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Inform the email provider to send complaints to the autoresponder you have specified.