Server performance report

These reports display how quickly your Aurea List Manager server is delivering mail, and how successfully mail is reaching subscribers. Delivery speed statistics are saved by Aurea List Manager every minute, and are saved indefinitely.

To view this reports options,see, Reports > Server Performance

Activity is summed by one minute intervals. The charts show how fast Aurea List Manager is sending mail if the number of messages sent in a particular second was sustained for a minute. For example, if Aurea List Manager actually sent 100 messages in a particular second, the chart shows that you had achieved a delivery speed of 6000 messages per minute.


This information is only available to those logged in as server administrators. List and site administrators are not able to see mail speed information.

To view this reports options, see, Reports > Server Performance. The table below also explains the option available:

Options Description

All Mailings in Queue Statistics Table

This displays information about all the mailings in queue on this server. For details on this table, see Reports > Mailings > Mailings in Queue Statistics Table.


This displays the various charts on server sending speed, send success and failures, simultaneous sends, and kilobytes sent.

The Server sending speed charts report instantaneous rates of successful, failed, and total mail sending, extrapolated to per hour rates.If Aurea List Manager is being run as a cluster, you are prompted to select whether you want to view the results for the node, cluster, node versus cluster or all nodes.


This displays various charts about the status of mail being received by Aurea List Manager. These charts show the results of SPF authentication, if enabled.


Server admins have the option to check whether the Aurea List Manager IP addresses are blacklisted. For more information on these reports, see Reports: Blacklists.