Subscription reports

You may have Aurea List Manager send list administrators a regular email report on how your list membership has changed. These reports include the following information for the period specified. These are confirmed and unconfirmed new members, unsubscribed members, and held members.

By default, no subscription reports are emailed to you. You may have a report sent daily, weekly or monthly. You may choose more than one report if you like, which allows you to receive reports at any interval you wish.

You also have the option of receiving short, normal or detailed reports. The short report does not list a day if there is no pertinent information for that day. The detailed report includes members’ email addresses.

For example, here is a sample Normal report:

Notice that there are several dates that do not have any data. When you opt for the Short report, this section looks more like:

When you opt for the Detailed report, the report has an additional section at the end of the general data section. This additional section includes the email addresses associated with the data points present in the general data section. Find an example of the Detailed report below:

Subscription reports are an easy way to keep track of those who have subscribed and unsubscribed recently. These are very useful in maintaining external databases or tracking the growth of your list.