Reformat tool

It reviews the content so that long lines are wrapped, all URLs become tracking URLs, or that all scripts are removed.

Find the table below showing how to use the Reformat tool features:

Filed Name Description
Wrap Long Text Lines

Inserts line breaks at 68 characters in your Text Body so that the width of the text message is standardized. Otherwise, recipients' email clients may insert line breaks where you didn't intend them to be, making your message unattractive.

Reformatting a text message to wrap long lines ensures that the message formatting you see on your screen is what recipients of the message sees.

Make HTML Section AOL-Compliant

Converts your content's HTML, so it is compatible with AOL Version 5.0 and higher.

If a large number of your members are using AOL, you may want to check that your HTML is AOL compatible. Later versions of AOL (6.0 and higher) can read standard HTML, but strips out the following elements:

  • ActiveX
  • Audio
  • External Style Sheets
  • Frames and IFrames
  • Java
  • Meta Refresh
  • Scripts: JavaScript, VBScript, Perl, and so on
  • Tooltips
  • Video


Converting the HTML to be AOL compliant changes the HTML for all recipients of this content. If you want only AOL members to receive content formatted for AOL, you need to create a segment, and then mail to that segment.