Summary of the "lyrWebDocs" columns in ListManager

The lyrWebDocs table holds HTML pages that are returned to a user's web browser. These documents are currently used only for Member Profile and Referral forms.

Primary key: WebDocID

Field Name


Version Added


This is the content of the HTML page. (text, NULL)


A description for this HTML document. This is only informational and is only visible to administrators in the web interface. (varchar(120), NULL)


Data about the state of the text control when it was edited. (text, null)


Indicates whether this is a document that is populated during database creation or upgraded and can be overwritten during future upgrades. (bool)


Indicates whether this is a template. (bool)


A foreign key into the lists_ table. This indicates what list this document is associated with. If this is NULL and SiteID is NULL then this is a server HTML document. (int, NULL)


A foreign key into the sites_ table. This indicates what site this document is associated with. If this is NULL and ListID is NULL then this is a server HTML document. (int, NULL)


The title of this HTML document. This is only used by the administrator's web interface for identification and is not visible to the user. (varchar(60), NOT NULL)


A unique ID for this record (int, identity, NOT NULL)


A foreign key into the lyrLookupWebDocTypes table. This indicates what type of HTML document this is. (int, NOT NULL)