Utilities: Administration: Server: Database: Database Connections

See ODBC for general instructions on how to create and use database connections.

Database Connections Table

This table displays the database connections available for this server. Click the magnifying glass to search this table, the spreadsheet icon to download the table as a CSV file, or the question mark icon to view help for this page.

You may change the order the connections are displayed by clicking on the column headings. The headings are:

Connection Name

The name assigned to this database connection. Click on the name to edit the connection.

Connection String

The connection string used to connect to the external data source.

Applies To

Indicates which list or site may use the connection, or whether the connection may be used by any list on the server.

Connection Options

From this table you have the following options for each connection:


Copy this connection. You are taken to a page which displays the old name and description, and the   new name and new connection string. Once the connection is copied, you may edit it further.


Delete this connection. Synchronization for any list using this connection is disabled.


Test this connection. The test verifies that the ODBC connection string works and that the SQL query is accepted and returns results. It does not examine the results of the SQL query or run a simulated import against any list.

If the test produces an error, the error message indicates the cause (problems with the driver, query, etc).

If you see this error message, check that you have permission to view the table:

"If SQL query does not contain EmailAddr_ field, then it must contain both UserNameLC_ and Domain_ fields."

Create New Connection

Opens the New Database Connection screen.