Data Prerequisite for FSI (BS).

Master Data Type

Company records need to have a master data type (fieldId 29). Basically, this field is mandatory and therefore should never be empty. Please take care that this field is filled otherwise no mask is displayed.

Incident Management

Due to the fact that incident management is using CRM.server for generating incidents (AF) you have to consider to register a CRM.server service for the specific tenant. For example:

--install –n <Servicename> -u <User> -p <Password>

We deliver a variable with the name “TE_TD_Set_U8_ServerUser” and a variable value (Z6) for tenant 1. If you are using other tenants then please consider that you have to create a new variable value for your new tenant.


A new Web config variable have been created. (“TE_CRM_loop_User”)

Please take care to enter the CRM.loop user id in the variable “TE_CRM_loop_User”.