
Learn to troubleshoot certain known issues.

Strange Images (BS)

If you are seeing something like this:

Please delete your browser cache!

"Bad Request" Instead of Start Page (OP)

If you are using the hotfix version (Aurea CRM web 8.0.2686, Aurea CRM win 8.0.742) you may encounter this bug.


The template shows a “Bad request” message on the start page after patching CRM.web and upgrading the designer configurations.


The currently released version of the template uses the “framework/start.aspx” and “mm/start.aspx” sites that were deprecated in the meantime.

These sites are replaced in the current version of CRM.web.


The next hotfix of CRM.web (July) can handle such deprecated calls. The ISI template changes to a supported start page in an upcoming hotfix.

Until then, please start this script in your designer database (once only) to replace the legacy paths:

-- replace legacy paths into 'mm/...' and 'framework/...' with 'crm/...'

update portal_page set [call] = 'crm/' + substring([call], 4, len([call])) where [call] like 'mm/%'

update portal_page set [call] = 'crm/' + substring([call], 11, len([call])) where [call] like 'framework/%'

LSI Marketing User – Marketing Role – Designer Problem (BS)

Problem Description

A user logging in to Aurea CRM web as a marketing user, cannot modify his/her user configuration. For example, the current user cannot save changes in the user configuration.


A small adaption in update.CRM Designer is necessary to fix this problem.

  1. Click on “Users” on the designer start page and then the “Configurations” radio button.
  2. Modify the TE_LSI_Management group configuration.
  3. Delete the defined “Marketing (Marketing (BASE))” role in the TE_LSI_Management group.

  4. Reset the IIS (recommended).