Custom attribute <Folder>

Connector sends the path of the respective mail folder to CRM.interface server the synchronization of e-mails.

Assuming the folder name contains the key of the relevant CRM object (e.g. Opportunity) you could consider linking the e-mails to this opportunity by adopting the stylesheets.

For example, if you have named your folder "alice_has_a_cat Y1-100-1" connector would send the following information to the CRM.interface
<vevent x-mmContactType="#5">
		<Folder>Inbox/CRM Folder/alice_has_a_cat Y1-100-1</Folder>
Therefore you could link each e-mail from this folder to the opportunity with the key Y1-100-1 via the below sketched extensions to SyncML_gw2mm.xslt (you could at the lines below to the end of the <xsl:template name='Convertvevent'> section of the file).
<xsl:if test='syncml:Custom/syncml:Folder and contains(syncml:Custom/syncml:Folder, " Y1-")'>
	<xsl:element name='field'>
		<xsl:attribute name='name'>x-mmLink</xsl:attribute>
		<xsl:attribute name='tablename'>Contact</xsl:attribute>
		<xsl:attribute name='fieldname'>OpportunityStatNo</xsl:attribute>
		<xsl:value-of select='user:find_2way_key(string(syncml:Custom/syncml:Folder),"Y1",1)'/>
	<xsl:element name='field'>
		<xsl:attribute name='name'>x-mmLink</xsl:attribute>
		<xsl:attribute name='tablename'>Contact</xsl:attribute>
		<xsl:attribute name='fieldname'>OpportunitySeqNo</xsl:attribute>
		<xsl:value-of select='user:find_2way_key(string(syncml:Custom/syncml:Folder),"Y1",2)'/>
Note: The parsing mechanism in find_2way_key expects the folder name in the following format:

This mechanism is by nature only helpful in scenarios where the number of folders is limited and therefore it's feasible, to name the folders manually Since these folders are user specific the "linking" to CRM objects cannot be delegated to the administration program of CRM.connector for Domino, but would require an additional client plug-in. In the concrete scenario, for which this extension has been designed, the installation of client side components was unwanted.
