Additional technical details

Connector uses Lotus Notes API to access Domino Server.

Therefore it is required, that a Lotus Notes client is installed on the connector Server. We recommend using Lotus Notes 8.5.3. FP3

Alternatively, you can use Lotus Notes 8.5.1. FP 5. The use of Lotus Notes 8.5.2 is not supported. This recommendation solely concerns the version on the connector server and doesn’t influence the end users version of Lotus Notes in any way.

As Lotus Notes doesn’t provide a native 64Bit version of the API, connector is a 32Bit application and hence runs in the WoW64 mode. Nevertheless the application by default is installed into the C:\Program Files folder to be in line with the other Aurea server products.

To access the CRM system an impersonation mechanism is used by connector, which means connector acts in the rights contexts of the particular user.

The credentials of the above mentioned administrative accounts - (domain) username and password) - are stored in an encrypted XML file (users.xml).

Figure: How connector accesses Domino and Aurea CRM
