Setting Up Directory Security

The Aurea CRM web setup process sets the appropriate file permissions for the ASP.NET process identity, thus this section is for trouble shooting purposes only.

Aurea CRM web reads and writes to the following directories, therefore, the ASP.NET process identity user must have full access to these directories (default: ApplicationPoolIdentity account in the IIS_IUSRS group).


  • \ by default the log files are saved here, can be customized via CRM.designer's settings.xml
  • \web\images\.sprites: for "sprite" images created at runtime
  • \web\scripts\.compiled: for compiled files created at runtime
  • \web\styles\.compiled

Aurea CRM web:

  • \ (s. below)
  • \web\images\.sprites
  • \web\scripts\.compiled
  • \web\styles\.compiled


Aurea CRM web uses the \ directory and its subdirectories as a temporary destination for storing files. \ contains temporary folders and files used for document or format upload/update and for logging.

\ is located outside the web application path to avoid that an application restart which ASP.NET 2.0 initiates upon a "directory rename change notification" (i.e. when sub-directories are deleted).
<!ENTITY dataPath "..\">
The following temporary directories specified in the settings.xml are located in \ by default:
<Writer filePath="&dataPath;\log\&logFile;"