Aurea CRM web Install Checker

Aurea CRM web includes an install checker that detects the most common problems and provides hints for solutions.

Install Checker runs every time the web application starts. It remains silent unless it detects a problem that prevents Aurea CRM web from starting.

What is checked?

  • Does the directory ..\system exist?
  • Does the directory ..\system\sys exist?
  • The vertical and type of database. The DLLs in the ..\system directory are checked. One (and only one) of the following DLLs must exist in the ..\system directory:
  • Do the following DLLs exist?

    [DBVERSION] is replaced by "ora" or "mss".

  • Does the ..\system\sys\mmdb.ini file exist?
  • Is the content of the ..\system\sys\mmdb.ini file correct?
  • Does the ..\bin directory exist?
  • Does the ..\system\settings directory exist?
  • Does the ..\system\settings\settings.xml file exist?
  • Is the settings.xml file a valid XML document?
  • Does the upload directory defined in the /update.web/UploadPath XML element of the settings.xml file exist?
  • Does the session upload directory defined in /update.web/SessionTempPath XML element of the settings.xml file exist?
  • Does the format upload directory defined in the /update.web/FormatUploadPath XML file exist?
  • Does the XML attribute "type" of the <update.crm.core> XML element exist?
  • Does the DLL defined by the XML attribute "type" of the <update.crm.core> XML element exist?
  • Does the /update.configuration/OleDbDsn XML element exist?

Depending on the database version, the install checker checks in the mmdb.ini file the entries from the [MM ODBC MSS] section for MS SQL or from the [MM ORA] section for Oracle, see mmdb.ini File for MS SQL/Oracle Databases in the CRM.core Administrator Guide.

The following settings are checked:

The LOGINID (ID for Oracle) entry must not be empty.

The DATASOURCE (HOSTSTRING for Oracle) entry must not be empty.

If the PASSWORD entry is empty, a warning is displayed.

For MS SQL these three entries may be replaced by a connection string:
CONNECTION=Driver=SQL Server;Server=[database server];Database=BTB80;UID=[user

If the TABLEPREFIX entry is empty, a warning is displayed.

If the CASE_SENSITIVE entry is empty or is not set to "off", a performance warning is displayed.


Install checker does not test for a valid database connection, if it detects a PWD_ENCRYPTED value in the mmdb.ini file as password encryption is handled by the core component.

A database connection is established using the information of these entries.