
The configuration.xml file contains information about the CRM systems like CRM interface and CRM Web URLs, the info areas that can searched in the Aurea CRM database and the fields that can be displayed.

It uses profiles to maintain information that specific to different CRM systems.

The following description refers to the default configuration.xml file provided by Aurea and is stored in the Configuration directory of your installation.

The file is divided into several sections:
  • <common>: Contains the definitions for the default browser used to open an Aurea CRM record and the folder used to synchronize emails by clients, see Common.
  • <Profiles>: Contains the definitions of profile template and profile(s).
    • <template>: contains configuration of vCard, display and search info areas.
      • <vcard>: Defines the layout of the business card and the Details area, see <vcard> Section.
      • <display>: Defines which additional info areas the user can access, see <display> Section.
      • <search>: Defines the fields that are searched, when the user enters search criteria in the search field, see <search> Section.
    • <profile>: Contains CRM Interface and CRM Web URLs. There can be multiple profile sections defined targeting different CRM installations.
      • <interface>: Defines the CRM Interface server URL and Port number.
      • <crmweb>:Defines the address of the Aurea CRM web server