<vcard> Section

The <vcard> element defines the elements that are displayed in CRM.connectLive in the business card area.

The <vcard> section contains further sections:

  • <searchareas>: Defines the info areas (tables) and the fields that are searched in the Aurea CRM database.
  • <displays> defines the fields that are displayed for a person or company if matching data is found.
  • The <display> element of the <displays> section also contains the <details> section. Data defined in this sections is only displayed after the user opens the Details area in the application.

These sections contain further elements defining which fields of which tables are displayed. In addition, fields can be grouped and labels can be added.

<searchareas> Element

The <searchareas> element defines the info areas and fields (by default, the companies and persons and their e-mail fields) that are automatically searched when a user clicks on an an e-mail from a contact person.

For each info area to be searched, you need to add a <infoarea> element. The <infoarea> element contains a <table> element (defining the tables that are searched) and a <fields> element with the <group> and the <field> elements (defining the e-mail fields to be searched).

The <display> section also contains following elements:
  • <infoarea>
  • <table>
  • <fields>
  • <group>
  • <field>

For more information on these elements, see Elements Contained in all Sections.


  <table tablename="Person" table="KP">
   <table tablename="Company" table="FI"/>
    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="E-mail1"/>
    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="E-mail2"/>
    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="E-mailPriv"/>

<displays> Element

The <displays> element of the <vcard> encloses the content displayed in the business card. If different content should be displayed (e.g. if a contact person is found, person and company data is displayed otherwise only company data is displayed), you must add a <display> element for each content type.

The fields are displayed in the order as they are entered in the configuration.xml file. You can also group them, see <group> Element.

The <displays> element also contains the <details> element. The fields added to the <details> element are only displayed in the application after the user clicks on the Details button.

<display> Element

The <display> element contains the fields that are displayed in the business card.

If you want to display differing data you must add a <display> tag for each data group you want to display. These elements contain the fields. You can also group these fields, see Elements Contained in all Sections.


The following <displays> element contains two <display> elements: the first contains the fields that are display in the application when a contact person for a company is found, the second defines the content shown for companies without person data.

    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Sex"/>
    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="FirstName" newline="false"/>
    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="LastName" newline="false"/>
    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="JobTitle"/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Company"/>
   <group label="Contact">
    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="E-mail1" icon="mail"/>
    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Telephone" icon="phone"/>
    <field tablename="KP" fieldname="MobileNo" icon="phone"/>
   <group label="Address">
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Street"/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="ZipCode"/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="City" newline="false"/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Country"/>
     <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Internet"/>
     <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Division"/>
     <field tablename="KP" fieldname="DOB"/>
     <field tablename="KP" fieldname="MainContactPerson"/>
     <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Acaddegree"/>
     <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Infix"/>
     <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Position"/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Company"/>
   <group label="Address">
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Street"/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="ZipCode"/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="City" newline="false"/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Country"/>
     <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Internet"/>
Note: If you add icon="mail" to an e-mail field, the e-mail address is linked to the e-mail application.

<details> Element

Each <display> element can contain a <details> element. The <details> element defines which fields are displayed in the business card's Details area:

This section is not displayed by default, the user must click the Details button first.

You must add a <fields> element for each field. You can also group these fields, see Elements Contained in all Sections.


   <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Internet"/>
   <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Division"/>
   <field tablename="KP" fieldname="DOB"/>
   <field tablename="KP" fieldname="MainContactPerson"/>
   <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Acaddegree"/>
   <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Infix"/>
   <field tablename="KP" fieldname="Position"/>