
Learn how to install CRM ConnectLive.

CRM.ConnectLive installation is a two-step process:
  1. Build the CRM.ConnectLive client MSI installer package.

    Aurea provides a master setup of packages that includes the Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset to create the CRM.ConnectLive client MSI installer. The tool set is configured and batch files are used to generate the MSI installer binaries for single user or multiple users on a machine.

  2. Use the appropriate MSI installer binary to install CRM.ConnectLive client for single user or multiple users.
To install CRM.ConnectLive:
  1. Install the master setup.
  2. Configure the master setup configuration files with appropriate information. For example, you can define the HTTP server endpoint. You must adapt the following configuration files:
    • Configuration.xml: Configure the URLs of CRM systems and components like CRM Interface and CRM Web that CRM.ConnectLive has to communicate with. Define the infoareas that CRM.connectLive can query, for required information in the CRM database. All information specific to a CRM system is maintained in a profile. CRM.ConnectLive can communicate with multiple Aurea CRM systems using their specific profile, see configuration.xml File.
    • ConnectLiveConfigGlobal.xml: Copy the contents of the Configuration.xml to this file, see ConnectLiveConfigGlobal.xml File.
    • deploymentInfo.xml: Contains deployment information like folders to maintain configuration, manifest and other required files. Different information sets can be maintained for different user groups. Adapt this file accordingly, see deploymentInfo.xml File.
    • ConnectLiveLanguage.xml: If you want to run CRM.connectLive in additional languages, this file must contain the user interface strings for each language, see ConnectLiveLanguages.xml file.
  3. To create the CRM.connectLive client MSI installer:
    1. Single user machine: Execute CreateConnectLiveSetupPerUser.bat to generate the ACRM.connectLive_SingleUser.msi installer binary.
    2. Multi-user machine: Execute CreateConnectLiveSetupPerMachine.bat file to generate ACRM.connectLive_AllUsers.msi.

      The <versionnumber> is automatically replaced by the patch's version number and appended to the resulting MSI file.

  4. Provide the ACRM.connectLive_SingleUser.msi installer to a single user on a machine installing CRM.ConnectLive. The user only has to execute the file and the installation is carried out without any further interaction. The connectLive client is installed in the %localappdata% folder, which is typically located at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming. The registry keys are installed in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
  5. To install CRM.ConnectLive for multiple users on a machine, distribute the ACRM.connectLive_AllUsers.msi file to the administrator of the machine. The machine administrator installs CRM.ConnectLive client for all users on the machine. The connectLive client is installed in the %programfiles(x86)% folder, which is typically C:\Program Files (x86). The registry keys are installed under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
  6. You can define that the user can install updates when available, see connectLive.manifest file.