<display> Section

The <display> element contains the info areas and all relevant information (fields, filters, etc.) that are displayed in the area below the business card.

The <display> section also contains following elements:
  • <infoarea>
  • <table>
  • <fields>
  • <group>
  • <field>

For more information on these elements, see Elements Contained in all Sections.

<sortlist> Element

With the <sortlist> element you can sort the records in the result list. The sort criteria is defined in <sort> elements. To combine sort criteria add a <sort> element for each criteria. Data is then sorted in the order of the <sort> elements.

Attributes for the <sort> element:

  • tablename: The name of the table given in the info area, e. g. Contacts or Opportunities.
  • fieldname: The name of the field that the result list is sorted by, e. g. Date.
  • reverse: Defines whether the list is sorted descending (=true).

    Possible values: true/false.

    Default: false


The following example defines that the list of opportunities is sorted by level in descending order.
 <sort tablename="Y1" fieldname="Level" reverse="true"/>

<condition> Element

You can reduce the number of records displayed by defining conditions. You need to define a <condition> element for each table to which a condition is applied.

The <condition> element contains:

  • <lop> element: Defines the operator that links different comparisons.
    • value: The operator, i.e. AND or OR
  • <cond> element: Used within a <conditon> element and defines the table and the field that are compared to the comparison value.
    • tablename (mandatory): The name of the table that is accessed, e.g. Contacts or Opportunity.
    • fieldname (mandatory): The field name of the field you want to compare, e. g. Date.
    • op: The comparison operator.

      Possible values: <, >, =, <=, >=, <>, () (i.e. include), )( (i.e. exclude). You can combine these values.

      Note: These operators must be entered in HTML encoding as, for example, the < or > characters have another purpose in XML. For example, instead of < you need to enter "&lt;" and instead of > "&gt;".

      The criteria given is compared in all the fields that are given in the <cond> element.

    • value: The value the field content is compared with.

You can add more than one <condition>, <cond> and <lop> elements to an <infoarea> element to combine conditions.


The following example limits the number of contact records listed by comparing the date to the current date +/- one week. Only the contacts within this two weeks period are displayed.
 <lop value='and'>
  <cond tablename='MA' fieldname='Date' op='&gt;=' value='$curDay-1w'/>
  <cond tablename='MA' fieldname='Date' op='&lt;' value='$curDay+1w'/>

Example for search:

 <lop value='and'>
  <cond tablename='FI' fieldname='Company' op='()'/>

No comparison value (value attribute) is given.

The operator op='()' results in the search criteria entered being compared to the field given in the <cond> element.