<search> Section

The <search> element enables you to set the info areas to be searched and the fields displayed when a search is performed.

The <search> element defines:

  • The info areas and the fields that are searched when the user enters search criteria into the search field.
  • The fields that are displayed when matching records are found.

You must add an <infoarea> section for each info area to be searched. You must also add a <condition> element.

The <search> section also contains following elements:

  • <infoarea>
  • <table>
  • <fields>
  • <group>
  • <field>

For more information on these elements, <infoarea> Element. You must also add conditions, <condition> Element.


The following example shows the definition for the Company info area.
  <table tablename='Company' table='FI'/>
    <field tablename='FI' fieldname='Company'/>
   <group label='Address'>
    <field tablename='FI' fieldname='Street'/>
    <field tablename='FI' fieldname='ZipCode'/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="City" newline="false"/>
    <field tablename="FI" fieldname="Country"/>
   <lop value='and'>
    <cond tablename='FI' fieldname='Company' op='()'/>
<! --- Further info areas --!>