
In the <common> section you can define if the default system browser will be used to open a CRM record and set the folder where the emails will be stored for synchronization.

For example,

    <synchronizationFolder path="<inbox>/CRM" createIfNotFound="true" method="move" />

The sections below describe the two elements..


You can define with the <useDefaultSystemWebBrowser> element which browser is used to open an Aurea CRM record when a user clicks on a link in CRM.connectLive:

  • By default, if this element is not defined then Internet Explorer is used.
  • If set to true, the browser the user has set as default browser (the browser that is registered as the default browser in the operating system) is used.
  • If set to false, Internet Explorer is used.

If the browser is already open, the record is displayed according to the user's browser settings, e.g. in a new tab or a new browser window. Example:



In the <common> section, you can define that the user can move an e-mail to a specific synchronization folder. How often this folder is synchronized depends on CRM.connector SE.

The <synchronizationFolder> tag can have three attributes:
  • path: Defines the folder where to the items are moved.
  • createIfNotFound: Creates the folder if it does not exist yet. Possible values true/false.
  • method: Defines whether the items are moved or copied.

    Possible values: move (default) / copy


<synchronizationFolder path='<inbox>/CRM' createIfNotFound='true' method='copy'> 

<inbox>\CRM is CRM.connector's default value and creates (if it does not exist yet) a sub-folder to the Inbox called CRM.

In addition, if you set this parameter, the Send & Sync button is displayed in the in the e-mail form. If the user clicks on this button, the e-mail is sent and a copy is stored in the synchronization folder automatically (according to the user's settings in the Save messages section of the e-mail clients Options).