The system provides three methods for submitting the document. They are:
- Navigate to document or document request location (default),
This option creates the document in the location based upon the corresponding folder path defined in the Document Inventory List and navigates back to the EDT location.
- Open and navigate to document or document request,
This option creates the document in the location based upon the corresponding folder path, navigates to the folder and opens the document for the user.
- Create/request another document from existing selections.
This option creates the document, stores it in correct location, and returns the user to the Smart Document UI with his or her previous selections pre-populated. The user can now modify one or all of the entries or accept them as they are.
If the user selects a combination whose corresponding Document Inventory List item contains an Autoname schema and a document already exists with the resulting name, the system will indicate that “The document already exists.” The system will present two options:
- Click on the checkbox to overwrite the existing document.
If versioning is turned on in the library, the new document will be added as a new version.
- Change the document name.