Including User Credentials in the Registration

Learn how to add user credentials in the registration.

You can also add the user's credentials to the registration URL. For example, if you want your users to access CRM.Client directly from another app.

If you allow access to CRM.Client directly, the user credentials must always be provided when the user logs in for the first time. The credentials are stored on the device.

The following options are available:

  • username: the user's login name. Must be given if the loginMode option is used.
  • loginMode: Defines how the login is carried out.
    • savepasswordlogin: The password is stored locally and the user is logged in automatically.
    • savepassword: The password is stored locally, but the login screen is displayed. The credentials are pre-filled, but the user must login manually

For example:

crmclient://configureserver?identification=CRMClient &name=Sally&url=http://myserver/updatecrm &authenticationType=username
Note: Ensure that the Login.SavePasswordAllowed Web Configuration parameter is set, see Login.SavePasswordAllowed.