People hub configuration

There are many configuration options for the People Hub web part. Please find the following configuration options below:

General Options

Option Name Usage Screenshot

Result Source

The SharePoint result source that is used to show the results.

Search Box Text

The label that is shown by default in the search box.

Alphabetical Filter Field

Ability to show or hide the sort drop down.

Items Per Page

The number of items shown per page.

Enable Wildcard Search

Whether a wildcard is added to each search term.

If this option is enabled, it provides great recall (more results come back) but lower precision (the results are less accurate).

It is recommended to have this setting disabled by default if you are a large organization.

Trim Duplicates

Option to disable the Trim Duplicates option in SharePoint search. In our experience the search engine sometimes thinks a user is a duplicate when in fact they are not. Recommendation is to have this disabled.

Additional Link Text

Allows to you to configure a link that appears next to the search box to provide a quick link to another area. This setting defines the text in the box.


Additional Link URL

Allows to you to configure a link that appears next to the search box to provide a quick link to another area. This setting defines the URL that a user is redirected to

Show Picture

Shows or removes the picture from the typeahead search.

Show Role

Shows or removes the Job Role from the typeahead search.

Show Location in Results

Shows or removes the location from the typeahead search.