
The settings.xml file is located in the .. \web\settings\ folder of your CRM.designer installation.

Note: You need to reset the IIS after modifying the settings.xml.

Use CRM.cryptographic tool to encrypt (part of) the settings.xml file, e.g. to encrypt the connection string, see CRM.cryptographic tool in the CRM.core Administrator Guide.

The settings.xml file may contain the following entries:


<!ENTITY designerDsn "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=<db-servername>;Initial
Catalog=<databasename>;UID=<username>; PWD=<password>">

The connection string to the CRM.designer database. Automatically entered during setup.

<update.lib> section


   <Writer name="fileLogWriter"

Configures the logging of CRM.designer. For details, see Server Log.

<update.configuration.designer> section

<EnableVerticalBase />

Enable this tag to display the Base vertical in the Vertical drop-down list on the CRM.designer main page.


   Possible values: "Base", "BB", "BC", "FS"

Use this entry to set the Vertical drop-down list to a fixed vertical.

<EnableAnonymousAccess />

Determines that CRM.designer is accessible without login. This setting is overruled by the Enable Anonymous Access check box on the Settings page, see Settings in the Aurea CRM web Administrator Guide.


This parameter controls the default timeout of a designer database query. If it is not specified a designer database connection query timeouts in 30 seconds. The following sample confguration illustrates the connection timeout setting for CRM Designer database query connection:
<!-- settings of update.configuration-->