Info areas

You can use these settings to determine which info areas are displayed in a process.

The order in which you select the info areas has the following effects:

  • If you want to link records, records are linked from the upper info areas to the lower info areas in the list. In this case, companies are displayed. Persons are displayed for these companies and contacts for these persons.
  • The contacts are sorted according to the order the info areas are selected; i.e. by company, then person, and finally by date.
  • When navigating between records, you navigate in the lowest info area. In this case, once you reach the last contact record for a person, you navigate to the first contact stored for the next person. Once you have navigated through all persons in the company, you switch to the next company.

Selecting info areas

Click on the Select button to select the info areas. You can navigate in the list by entering the first letters of the info area name. For example, to navigate to the Company info area, press 'C', 'O' and 'M' in quick succession.

Enable the corresponding check box to select an info area.

Deleting Info Areas

To remove an info area, double-click on the name of the info area in the list. To reposition an info area, delete the info area and add it again in the correct order.