
This pane allows you to specify masks and list masks used by processes.

You can also determine whether the process is displayed as a mask or list when started, and whether the level is integrated or displayed separately.

You can choose to use a default mask or a previously defined custom mask. You can also define your own mask, see Mask Generator in the Win Administrator Guide.

If you are integrating default processes in a workflow and wish to override their default UI settings, you need to enable Hide Start Window in the general settings, see General Settings.

You can then choose to display the process as a list etc.


If a child process is opened, it occupies a portion of the space available. Use the Size(%) fields to determine how much space is retained by the parent process.


If enabled, the workflow runs in the background and cannot be sent to the foreground.

Hide window

If enabled, determines that the process is started in the background and is hidden, until sent to the foreground using the "Show Process" action.

Note: Ensure that processes running in the background are either terminated automatically or sent to the foreground at some point.