Possible modes
You can determine which modes (New, Edit, Delete) are allowed for each info area.
Display mode is always available.
The corresponding buttons are only visible in the command bar if the corresponding option is enabled for at least one of the selected info areas in the process. If no action is assigned to the button in the command bar, clicking the button switches to the corresponding mode for all info areas for which this mode is enabled.
For example, suppose you are displaying a company and all persons in the company. New mode is only enabled for the Person info area. Clicking on the New button adds a new person to this company, not a new company.
You can define actions determining that a specific info area switches to a certain mode. Even if a mode is disabled for the info area in the Definition dialog box, you can still switch modes using actions. This allows you to automatically switch modes at specific stages in the workflow but prevent users from switching modes manually.
Start mode
The Start Mode drop-down list determines which mode is active when the process begins. You need to select a mode that is enabled for at least one of the info areas displayed.
If you select a mode that is unavailable for an info area, that info area is opened in display mode.