Standard search vertical examples

Some examples of various search verticals are contained below. These verticals contain common types of content and use cases that we have found are particularly applicable to an Intranet or Digital Workplace.

Everything vertical

Description: This search vertical returns everything in the search index. This is typically mapped to the Local SharePoint Results search result source that is part of SharePoint Online and On-Premise.

Search Result Source Configuration: Local SharePoint Results

Intranet vertical

Description: This search vertical returns only content in the Intranet. It shows pages, links and other items but doesn’t show items such as favorite sites, comments, images or non Intranet related content

Search Result Source Configuration: Bonzai Intranet Intranet Results

Documents vertical

Description: Returns documents only and can be particularly use if an organization has a large number of documents within the organization.

Search Result Source Configuration: Documents (for all documents across the entire Intranet) OR Document Portal (just for documents within the Intranet)

People vertical

Description: Returns people only and is used to quickly find people and their contact details.

Search Result Source Configuration: Employee Directory By Relevance (returns employees but by relevance)

Locations vertical

Description: Returns items from the locations directory including offices, branches or any other way that it is configured in Bonzai Intranet.

Search Result Source Configuration: Locations