
Learn to manage language for documents.

CORE_ProductInformation_E-Mail.html (StNo: 10000 INo: 186)

The document is designed to send the E-Mail in the language of the recipient. Due to the fact that the Marketing Activity Format “Activity_E-Mail” has set the flag “Language transformation” to true:

...the value of the field Language is transferred accordingly to the document and an IF-ELSE-Statement delivers the right text to the e-mail sent.

If you want to add another language you would extend the IF-ELSE-Statement the following way

<%$IF KPLanguage = 'Deutsch'%> Betreff: Produktinformation <%$IF KPLanguage = 'Français'%> Objet: Validation <%$ELSE%> Subject: Product Information <%$FI%>

The value in the IF-ELSE-Statement has to be in the language of the user’s catalogue value