Customer Data

Learn how to store customer data.

Data such as the company name, address, telephone and fax numbers of your clients and potential clients are stored in the Company info area.

Information on persons is stored in the following info areas:

  • The Person (PE) info area is used to store the actual data concerning persons, e.g. their name, date of birth, private address etc.

    Use the Person info area to store private bank customers, or doctors that have both a practice and are also employed at a clinic, for example.

  • The Contact Person (CP) info area is used to store person data related to a specific company, e.g. the person's department, position, telephone extension etc.
  • The Person in Company info area displays all person data in the context of a specific company by combining information in the Person and Contact Person info areas. If you add a person to a company who is not already present in the database as a person (PE) record, a new person record is added automatically.

Additional Addresses

You can add additional addresses for companies (and persons, if you system is configured accordingly), e.g. to store separate billing addresses.

You can only add a single additional address per Address Type per company/person.