ini Files

Learn how to configure additional options in ini files.

You can configure following additional options in ini files:

Optional ini File

Additional settings that do not conform to TAPI standards can be configured in a separate ini file. Define in the INI file (optional) field on the System tab in the Telephone profile window, where this file can be found:

  • If you only enter the file name (e. g. optional.ini), the file is searched in the following default directories:
    • For Aurea.CRM win: in the system/sys directory.
    • For Aurea.CRM web: in the installation directory.
  • If you enter the file name including a path (can also be a network path), the ini file is searched in this directory. Users must have sufficient access rights to read the file.

The following parameters are supported:

User-specific data

Sie können bestimmen, ob die benutzer-spezifische Dateien im Bereich % AppData % oder im Installationsverzeichnis von phone gespreichert werden:

You can define that user-specific files are stored in the % AppData % area instead of the installation directory.


Use User Folder = 1

Possible values:

  • 0: User-specific files are stored in the installation directory, users must have the required write access assigned.
  • 1 (default): User-specific files are stored under %APPDATA%\update\Phone\.

    Example: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\update\Phone\

This setting applies to:

  • uppHistory_[LOGIN].txt
  • upPhone_[LOGIN].ini
  • uppHotKeys_[LOGIN].txt
  • uppTAPIExt_[LOGIN].ini
  • uppsystem.log (bzw. je nach Namenseintragung im Telefonprofil)
  • uppProfile.xml
  • CRMphone.log

User Rights:

The following entries allow you to deny access to individual fields in the TAPI Configuration dialog box.


Config Make Call: Wait for Connected=1

Config Make Call: AutoHangup =1

Config Inquiry: Wait for Connected=1

Config Inquiry: AutoHangup =1

Config Inquiry: AutoReconnect =1

Config AutoAnswer : Call1=1

Config AutoAnswer : Call2=1

Config Disconnected: AutoHangup =1

Config Device name =1

Users can access all options with a value of 1. To deny users access to an option, set the value to zero. These options can then no longer be selected in the TAPI Configuration dialog box.

Disabling the functions assigned to F11 and F12

You can disable the functions assigned to the F11 (answer) and F12 (hang up) keys using the following entries:


Suppress F11 Answer = 1

Suppress F12 Hangup = 1

The default value for both entries is 0 (the functions are enabled).

Incorrect numbers in the call history

Depending on your telephone system, numbers in the call history may be displayed incorrectly (the leading 0 in the area or country code is not displayed).

Use the following entries to prevent the 0 from being removed for incoming and outgoing calls:

Suppress Outbound Prefix Cut = 1

Suppress Inbound Prefix Cut = 1

The default value for both entries is 0.

Converting from ANSI to UNICODE

By default, converts call data from ANSI to UNICODE.

Use the following entry to determine that the call data is transferred by the system to as UNICODE.


Unicode Call Data = 1

Adding dialled numbers to the call history

Use the following entry to determine the format how dialled numbers are added to the call history.


Use Internal Call Length = 0

Possible values:

  • 0 (default): Numbers are added including country and area code.
  • 1: Numbers are added as they were dialled, e. g. internal or local calls without contry and area code.

TAPI-specific Settings


Ignore Call ID Flags

Some TAPI systems (e.g. old Bosch systems) do not set Call ID Flags. In this case, set this parameter to 1.

The default value is 0.

Reset on Failed

If MakeCall fails, the TAPI application is reset if Reset on Failed is set to 1.

The default value is 0.

Number of Resets

This parameter determines the number of reset attempts if Reset on Failed is activated.

The default value is 1.

Use Event

If this parameter is set to 1, TAPI Event Handle mechanism for notification is used.

The default value is 0.

Callback Sleep

If the status changes, some TAPI systems provide additional information only after a delay. waits for the defined timeout period (in milliseconds) before requesting additional call information. A value of 300 is recommended, however different telephone systems may require different values.

The default value is 0 (disabled).

Leading Zero is External

Some TAPI systems (e.g. Panasonic) interpret external calls that have been redirected or picked up on another extension as internal calls. If Leading Zero is External is set to "1", calls where the number begins with 0 are always interpreted as external calls. Note that the telephone system nonetheless needs to be configured such that external calls begin with 0.

The default value is 0 (disabled).

Skip Empty ConnectedID

If the TAPI system sends an empty ConnectedID when the status is "Connected", no number is displayed in

If Skip Empty ConnectedID is set to "1", the empty ConnectedID is not sent and a valid number is therefore not overwritten in

The default value is 0 (disabled).

Connect before Hangup

By default, TAPI allows incoming calls with the status "Ringing" to be terminated without the call first being connected. This call is then displayed as "No answer" in the call list.

Depending on your telephone system, the call may need to be connected before it can be terminated. In this case, set Connect before Hangup to "1".

In this case, these calls are displayed as successful in the call list.

The default value is 0 (disabled).

AutoReset on OutOfService

The line is still valid, but (temporarily) unavailable. In this case, Autoreset is generally not advisable.

1 = Auto-reset is performed

0 = no auto-reset

AutoReset on LineClosed

The line was closed by the system, e.g. due to a restart of the telephony system. In this case an Autoreset is advisable:

1 = Auto-reset is performed

0 = no auto-reset

OutOfService Messagebox

1 = A message is displayed that the TAPI extension xx is out of service.

0 = No message is displayed

LineClosed Messagebox

1 = A message is displayed that the TAPI extension xx has been closed by the system.

0 = No message is displayed

Caller ID Notification

Some TAPI systems do not transfer the number of a number of the caller when transferring calls in the default version of Example: a caller is forwarded to the sales department by a call center agent. The sales rep sees the number of the forwarding extension instead of that of the caller.

This behavior is due to deviations from the TAPI standard by some telephony systems.

The following workaround has been implemented for the Swyx system: Caller ID Notification = 1 ensures that the number of the caller is forwarded when using Swyx TAPI systems.

No Device List

On terminal server installations of Aurea.CRM web, users are prompted to select an extension from a drop-down list when logging on to the system.

If No Device List = 1, the list of extensions is no longer available following the first login (when an extension must be selected), >> Using with Terminal Servers.


You can define that log data is written to the CRMphone.log file. This file is located:

  • Aurea.CRM win: in the user's directory
  • Aurea.CRM web: in the directory where phone is installed or in the %APPDATA%\update\Phone\ directory (depending on the Use User Folder parameter).


To determine which events are logged, set the desired parameters to 1.

Standard = 1

If you set the Standard parameter to 1, you can define the following additional parameters to log specific events:

Idle = 1

Ringing = 1

Dialtone = 1

Dialing = 1

Ringback = 1

Busy = 1

Connected = 1

Onhold = 1

Conference = 1

Disconnected = 1

Default value for all parameters = 0

All = 1

If you set the All parameter to 1, all events are logged.

This setting overrides all other parameters.

For performance reasons, only use the log mechanism for troubleshooting.


You can define additional agents when using Alcatel telephone systems.

Example: It may be necessary to allow "normal" users to also log on as call center agents. In Alcatel telephony systems, this causes the user's extension to change.

To define the additional extension as an additional agent in Alcatel systems, enter the following in the uppTapiExt.ini file of the user:


Device Name_2

Name of the extension of the additional agent, e.g. CTI_595.

Device ToggleDelay

Determines the number of seconds required by your telephone system to provide access to an additional agent when switching from a "normal" user (and vice versa).

Default = 0