Flagging incoming/outgoing mails

Learn how to flag unsynchronized incoming and outgoing mails in connector SE.

Connector SE synchronizes E-Mails moved to the defined folders. It might be useful to be able to distinguish in the Aurea CRM system, if an incoming or outgoing E-Mail was synchronized. In order to achieve such functionality add the below sketched transformation to the SyncML_gw2mm.xslt style sheet at the very end of the <xsl:template name='Convertvevent'> section.

<xsl:template name='Convertvevent'>
<!--contact type-->
<!-- use if a specific contact type is needed
<!-- flagging sent/received emails -->
 <xsl:element name='field'>
  <xsl:attribute name='name'>x-mmIncomingEmail</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name='tablename'>Contact</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:attribute name='fieldname'>FreeL1</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:variable name='var:incoming_email' select='msxsl:string-compare(/syncml:SyncML/syncml:SyncHdr/syncml:Principal,syncml:attendee[@role="CHAIR"],"","i")'/>
  <xsl:value-of select='boolean($var:incoming_email)'/>

In this sample the field FreeL1 is set to "true", if the synchronized is an incoming E-Mail, means that the owner of the mailbox was the recipient of this mail.