SYNCML return codes

List of SYNCML return codes.

Class Code Error Name Description

Success / Info

100 HTTP_ERRCODE_ DISPLAY: Additional info on event
200 HTTP_ERRCODE_ UPDATE_OK An itemwas updated successfully.
201 HTTP_ERRCODE_ CREATE_OK An itemwas created successfully.
304 HTTP_ERRCODE_ NOT_MODIFIED Cannot modify synchronized item or there is no need to modify it.



No data to synchronize (or reps/persons are duplicated or unknown).

Note: At least one of recipients/attendees must be defined as a person or a company and one as a rep.
206 HTTP_ERRCODE_ PARTIAL_DATA Malformed (partial) data to synchronize.
207 HTTP_ERRCODE_ MERGE_CONFLICT Cannot merge changes.

Too many items to synchronize with or multiple persons/reps to assign an item to.

Note: most likely there are two or more persons/reps with the samee-mail address
400 HTTP_ERRCODE_ BAD_REQUEST Unknown request.
401 HTTP_ERRCODE_ INVALID_CREDS Invalid user credentials (or user is not allowed to perform synchronizations e.g. user is in not defined as Rep in Aurea CRM).
403 HTTP_ERRCODE_ FORBIDDEN_OPERA TION Requested operation is forbidden
404 HTTP_ERRCODE_ NOT_FOUND Cannot find item to update or synchronize with

Synchronized item has already been deleted.

Note:This code is also used as response to CRM.interface <Get> requests in case when an item has already been deleted in Outlook by a user - it is not a real error code in such a case.

412 HTTP_ERRCODE_ INCOMPLETE_COMM AND Malformed or incomplete command
415 HTTP_ERRCODE_ UNSUPPORTED Unsupported operation
CRM.interface internal codes 500 HTTP_ERRCODE_ FAILED Internal HTTP operation failed
501 HTTP_ERRCODE_ NOT_IMPLEMENTED Functionality not implemented
506 HTTP_ERRCODE_ PROCESSING_ERRO R Internal processing error
511 HTTP_ERRCODE_ SERVER_FAILURE General server failure